External Threats To Japan Essay

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1. Internal Threats to the Japanese:

The Europeans also brought Christian Missionaries. After the Protestant Reformation, more and more catholic missionaries were sent out to convert more of the world. Japan was one of the many targets. The first arrival of the missionaries led to many different reactions from Japanese natives. Many people rejected the new religion as it was foreign and disruptive. The majority of the people who rejected the religion were elites. Although the elites rejected the religion, many peasants saw Christianity as deeply meaningful. This led to a problem. By the 17th century, there were around 300,000 Japanese Christian peasants throughout Japan. The shogun soon took action because he felt that a rise in Christians would soon lead to a …show more content…

External Threats to the Japanese:

A large problem to the Japanese shogunate was the arrival of the United States in 1853. The United states forced Japan to open up. They threatened them by saying they have one year before the United States returns, and if they are not allowed in, they will invade. This forced Japan to open up and industrialize in a very short time period. This ended the Tokugawa Shogunate.
After Japan opened up their trading, there was a flow of cheap goods from Europe and China. This wiped out many local industries and collapsed small businesses. This led to unemployment problems in Japan. Because of the high unemployment rate, the economy collapsed.

3. Internal Threats to the Ming, Qing Empire

A huge problem was the inflation due to the inflow of silver, which is what also happened in the Ottoman empire. The Ming began to get more urban and businesses began to create lots of problems. The Ming began to produce paper money which was worthless. Due to the large flow of silver, the Ming's economy was not working out. This also led to many problems of corruption. This led to there being corruption in imperial factories. This corruption led to many riots and protests from

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