Exploratory Play

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Play is a big part of every child’s life, from birth up to around seven years old. It is majorly important that every child plays in day-to-day life, as it can help them learn in many ways. According to Friedrich Frobel, he thought that’s how children could learn, through play. ‘Play is the highest expression of human development in childhood for it alone is the free expression of what is in a child's soul.’ (AZ Quotes, 2016). During play, children bring together their facts, feelings, connections and day-to-day life events. Play helps children to make impressions of things, such as the world, and people in their lives. It gives them an impression of capability and mastery, which gives them an insight on how to deal with everyday life. There are five different types of …show more content…

They discover themselves first before their surroundings in which they may live in.
• Manipulative Play: Involves preparing and improving motor skills. It develops physical dexterity and involves the child to use hand-eye co-ordination. Children need to come into contact with different levels of manipulation to improve their motor skills.
• Constructive Play: The child will start to build things using materials and other objects. As the child develops, this type of play can become more complicated and difficult.

5. Pretend Play:
Is also dramatic, imaginary and day-dreaming play. This is when the child uses their imagination. They use props to represent certain things in their games, for instance, a tent for a house. Children also play with other children here and adults. This helps them to be social, make friends and improves communication.

There are plenty of benefits to play. Play expands children’s...
• Thoughts of the world they live in and what their belonging in it is.
• Longing to discover their world, and to take chances.
• Capability to have joy and

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