Explaining Medical Terminology

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There are many concepts to be identified with when studying any language. I will explain a few of the ones I see specific to medical terminology in this threaded discussion. Medical terminology is based on anatomy, so an understanding of anatomy will be one of the building blocks to creating a medical terminology vocabulary. Next, medical terminology is made up of compound words. If you have a basic understanding of the prefixes and suffixes you can figure out the basic meaning of the word. Once you have those figured out you can work on the root word. The most important foundational concept is not to assume anything, if in doubt research, if time permits use a medical terminology dictionary, if not ask someone. There are no do overs in real life so err on the side of caution. …show more content…

First will be to ensure that physical and mental health are kept at optimal levels. For days when breathing or the pathway through grief are a little more complicated, aides will be in place to ensure optimal performance. Knowing that my primary learning style is reading I will be focusing on this and using videos and audio as secondary learning sources. Writing definitions out long hand will help me internalize them and store them in my memory. Using homework questions and quizzes found online to ferret out weak spots will help in making sure that the knowledge is stored for future use. My family members who are nurses will be a valuable asset to use in checking proper usage and pronunciation of terms. Finding ways to incorporate the terms into daily life will also help with understanding. When leisure time is available watching or reading material of a medical genre will help to bring the language into my everyday

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