Explain Why Some Schools Think That Teenagers Should Only Do Three Years In High School

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Some schools think that teenagers should only do three years in high school than four, agree or disagree? I disagree. The more years in school the more education. The earlier teens graduate the less prepared they will be for the world. Teens will be more mature. Teenagers’ brains are still developing and if they go to school longer and keep learning the smarter they’ll be and they will more than likely have a better life if they do four years in high school than three.
The more years in school the more education. Which is a true statement. The longer they go the smarter they will be. It would also help them get into a better college and get a really good job. If they got a really good job, teens could get quite a lot of money and it would help them with starting their life. School gets teens started off with their life, especially college and people need good grades to get into college, so if teenager went through high school for four years instead of three they would be getting more education to help them get into a really good college.
The earlier teens graduate the less prepared they will be for the world. Teens’ brains need time to develop, and school helps with that. Teens now graduate at the age of eighteen or sometimes older, but if they did three years of high school they would be around the age of seventeen or younger. They …show more content…

Their brains would be more developed by the time they graduate high school if they did four years instead of three. They could start their life off easier while being an adult instead of a teen. If a teenager goes through three years of high school they wouldn’t be as smart as teens that went through high school for four years, the more education the more mature we become. Eighteen year olds act more mature than seventeen year olds do in school and in public, if you went to a college and you only did three years of high school, you wouldn’t be as smart as other students who went to high school for four

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