Explain Why It Is Important To Reflect On Body Language And Communication

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When a childcare practitioner is communicating with a child to gain effective communication it is important for a practitioner to grasp the Childs attention before starting to talk to the child, to do this the practitioner should make eye contact with the child by communing down to the Childs level and height. To communicate effectively it would be beneficial for the practitioner to use sentences that are not too complex for a child to understand, short sentences in a friendly tone should be used to ensure you hold the attention of the child. A childcare practitioner must have patience when having a conversation with a child, allow them to take time to understand and process what you are saying to allow the child to effectively respond and express themselves fully without interrupting. A childcare practitioner should allow a child to finish what they are saying in their own time and respond to them by asking simple questions to make the child feel confident and build their confidence.
To ensure a childcare practitioner is communicating effectively with a child they must taking into consideration their own body language by using active facial expressions to positively respond to the child. The child will feel like the practitioner is respecting them and they will feel more confident with the …show more content…

Children often strive to be given some reassurance, this will help to develop a child’s self-confidence. Childcare practitioners can reassure a child through the use of verbal communication by congratulating them or praising them on things they have done well and achieved. Also non-verbal communication could also be used such as using appropriate touch or clapping their hands to praise the child to make them confident. Through the use of this communication a Childs confidence will be developed and also the relationship between the child and the

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