Explain Why Guns Should Be Banned In The United States

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Did you know that there were 57 000 gun related incidents in the US in 2017? This is a very alarming number. It left me thinking, should the US ban all of their guns? I think that yes, they should absolutely. It would prevent a lot of deaths.
It’s a fact that more guns equal more deaths even if the firearm is legal. Between 1982 and 2012, in the US, there were roughly sixty-two mass shootings. This is an enormous number. The sad thing is that forty-nine of these shootings were made using a legal firearm. Banning guns would automatically make them harder for people with bad intentions to acquire them, the result would be less deaths.
Did you know that, every year, 1300 US children are killed by a firearm? What people don’t know is that most

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