Explain I Believe In My Mom

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I believe in my mom. Throughout life, I've been through alot with my mom, both the good and the rough times. But through it all, I've been able to hold my head high because of her. Since the day I was born, she has always been by my side. She’s gone from teaching me how to take my first steps, to guiding me on how to be able to grow into a successful grown man. Often, I feel in debt to my mother for all she's done, and also feel I owe it to her to be better, for example, getting better grades in school. I believe that I represent my mother’s American Dream, as she was not able to live it herself. As I am progressing this step to becoming a man I am thankful for my mom. Throughout every step of the way she has been able to answer my questions about life in general. I look up to my mom as she is a strong woman that has been through alot in her life. My mom came from Mexico, leaving her family and everything she owned …show more content…

Let me tell you she did a great job and it went on for a while. That is until I entered middle school, I was starting to mature and understand more as I was seeing things in a different point of view. I no longer found the things I used to find interesting. About 7th going into 8th grade I started to realize my mom worked hard and long hours for a check that wasn't worth it. But I mean there was nothing she could've done as she was not a U.S citizen. That job was the only job that would allow her to feed us. Yes, she could've gone back and came back the right way, but I mean it was possible for her not to be back with us from one to ten years to wait for a legal citizenship. I myself was not willing to live up to ten years without the woman that gave me life. Who loved me from the start without her I don't know where I would be right

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