Exemplification Essay: Sabrina's Pursuit Of Passion

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Sabrina is a young, kind, respectful and caring girl. Sabrina has blueish, blackish hair, with light brown eyes. Sabrina likes to have fun whether with her family or friends. Sabrina loves to play soccer. She’s those types of girls that will try their best on anything. Sabrina is planning to go to Berkley University after high school. That’s been her dream school ever since she was a little girl.Sabrina loves spending time with her family. Sabrina cares about everyone, even if they ain’t close friends or they did her wrong. It doesn’t matter to her to Sabrina what they are as long as she’s glad she gets to help them out. Sabrina doesn’t like fighting or having problems with anyone. Sabrina hates people that start drama with her for no reason. She’s more of a calm person. She’s those types of girls that take almost everything serious, with no games or drama. Sabrina has three best friends that she truly trust and believes them. She honestly has been the happiest ever since she met them. They helped get through a lot even when it was for stupid reasons. They understood her when else did. They made her believe in herself when no one else did. Sabrina doesn’t know what she would do without them. She’s glad she has them by her side. Sabrina always has problems with her friends, but especially with her family. She …show more content…

What happened?” Blake asked with a sad look. “I can’t take it anymore. She ruined my life. What did I do to her for she could be doing this to me?” Sabrina was sobbing. Blake felt bad for what’s happening to her. He didn’t want to leave her alone cause he thought she was going to do something that she’ll regret. He decided to go with her and take her home. Blake asked “Sabrina, let me take you home?” Sabrina didn’t know what to say so she just said “sure.” Sabrina didn’t want to say anything else about what happened today. She just wanted to be left alone but, Blake didn’t wanted to. Blake tried to convince Sabrina to let him

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