Executive Elite School

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In the modern day, there is a major discrepancy regarding educators expectations of students work and capability of learning among different social classes. Students should have a free and equal education available to them, however, this vision is not possible due to inconsistent standards being followed by current day educators. Unequal expectations by teachers have dangerous consequences which result in the continuation of poverty, students acquiring resentment for school, and unequal opportunities being created. In 2016 the poverty rate of the United States was 14%. This percentage accounts for 43 million citizens who have low wages, struggle to pay for rent, have financial problems, and more. The United States is supposed to be …show more content…

In executive elite classrooms, students are given work to prepare them for the top Universities, develop creativity and problem solving. However, working and middle class school’s aim is to teach it’s students basic skills, preventing them from excelling. One opportunity and resource that is not available to children in working class is access to materials and assistance outside of school. While observing the executive elite classroom, Anyon reports, “In the classroom, the children could get materials when they needed them… The teachers were expected to be available before school, and after school, and for a part of their lunch to provide extra help.” (84) Some working class classrooms may not have the financial ability to afford new technology, a plentiful amount of books, extra school supplies, and more. Executive elite student’s access to materials assists them academically and for the workforce. Students who have extensive knowledge of how to use a computer and it’s software provides them limitless opportunities for higher education, and jobs pertaining to technology. This allows students of executive elite status to achieve high paying jobs while working class students receive unskilled work, an effect of unequal opportunities available to

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