Excerpt From A Pilgrim's Guide To The Camino De Santiago

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Three times a year the Jewish people would set out on pilgrimage towards Jerusalem. As they made their way to the city, which is set high on a hill, they would sing Psalms of Ascent (Psalms 120-134). These pilgrim’s songs helped to prepare their hearts and souls for their arrival in Jerusalem and participation in the sacred ceremonies and celebration. The Psalms helped them remember who they were, reminded them of their purpose and of the strength available through God. They spoke of sorrow, distress, mercy, surrender, sovereignty, blessing, joy, unity and fellowship. They allowed them to contemplate the reality of their hearts and how the journey was shaping them. These are powerful song. This journal endeavors to create the …show more content…

If you desire to keep tempo with the guide book, this will follow right along, but if you want to set your own timeline, the journal allows you that flexibility. While it may not be immediately apparent, much thought has been put into the placement of each topic of contemplation. I hope this journal will act as an invitation to perceive how the physical experience of the Camino enables you to more fully discern the internal journey of your heart. The desire is for you to find yourself walking in the middle of the day and suddenly realizing how what you are experiencing in the moment gives life to what you have been contemplating. In these moments there is a synergy which gives birth to wisdom and insight. Much is discovered in the act of walking. Having said all that, you may find yourself drawn to a particular theme on a certain day. Feel the freedom to take the contemplative prompts in any order you wish. I only recommend you find a way of marking the order in which you travel through them, so that in the future when you return to this journal you can retrace the internal steps of your

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