Examples Of Tragic Heroes Today

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The definition of a hero according to Dictionary.com states, “A person who, in the opinion of others, has special achievements, abilities, or personal qualities and is regarded as a role model or ideal.” Modern heroes today are perceived very differently to each person that is asked. For example a modern day hero could be one such as a firefighter, or even someone who was brave enough to stand up to a bully. Heroes come in all different types and sizes. Shakespeare constructed tragic heroes. Tragic heroes begin as likeable and good people that make a terrible decision that eventually leads to their destruction. In shakespeare’s plays the tragic hero always dies. A hero portrayed in Shakespeare’s tragedies have many different character archetypes …show more content…

A hero in todays society may possess characteristics such as dedication, courage, and bravery. Also the gender roles of the modern day hero have changed. Today many women are heroes which would have not been the norm in Shakespeare’s renaissance era where there were only males as the heroes. Women heroes are all around the world and an example is Praveen Mazahar from India. She has been through many hardships throughout her life such as being brutally beaten by her drunken husband, but she prevailed by getting a job, leaving her husband, and is now an independant women taking care of her children. Praveen explains, “My husband used to tell me every night that I was good for nothing, that as a woman I couldn’t do anything. Now I am looking after my children and educating them!” Praveen is one of the many hidden heroes that prevail every …show more content…

In the Renaissance there were only male heroes and most commonly they were tragic heroes. In today’s society anyone can be a hero no matter who they are. Some modern day heroes are policeman, doctors, and people who give back to their community for the greater good of the society. Characteristics of these heroes would be bravery, courage, and kindness. Shakespeare’s tragic heroes had tragic character archetypes that caused their death, but today these archetypes have transcended through time to break the traditional rules and overcome the obstacles to become the great people of

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