Examples Of Syntax In Atonement

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Before offer and observations and questions concerning your essay, I would like to briefly touch upon syntax. According to the MLA style of formatting, the title of Ian McEwan’s novel Atonement should always be italicized. This rule also holds true for books that are mentioned within article titles (e.g. “The absence of atonement in Atonement”). In addition, since your essay delves into the motives and beliefs of three authors (Charles Pastoor, Ian McEwan, and Briony Tallis), the usage of “The author” at the beginning of some of your sentences make it difficult to ascertain which specific author you are referring to. With the issue of syntax now being out of the way, I will now offer my observations on your first main body paragraph which will …show more content…

While an argument can be made that Briony’s complete commitment on maintaining her lie was due to her love of Lola and Cecilia, this essay only lightly touches on this. The line of how “[t]his idea is displayed through Briony lying and ruining her life, Robbie’s, and Cecelia’s” should be further expanded on in order to make Pastoor’s argument more appealing. Also, Pastoor seems to be contradicting his own argument as he concludes that “lying is “so important in restating our love for life” as it continues to fight “against the devastating force of cynicism and disillusion”. If Pastoor states that lying is “a reminder of how powerful love is”, one can reasonable surmise that characters in Atonement, most notable Briony, lie because of love. If he concludes that lying is important in how it reinstates love, then it serves as a direct contradiction to his previous point. The reason for this is because there is a major fundamental difference between lying due to love and seeing how lying reinstates love. As a result I would like to ask you a question regarding this apparent

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