Examples Of Prejudices In Frankenstein

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The Prejudices of Frankenstein The monster in a way is warm hearted and kind but as we observed he is still dangerous. That is because he's always killing people who has a very close relationship with Frankenstein. Now what makes a monster created by man act in such a harsh manner ? What makes Frankenstein even want to make a monster from different dead body parts ? Well in everyday human life if a person feels as if they are being abandoned it brings a different kind of hate in their heart. They don't feel or get the love that they seek, and in some cases that turns them into a heartless monster. Back in chapter twenty-three Victor wouldn't create the monster a mate so the monster murdered his love. Now the twist is that Frankenstein created the monster and now wants him dead. Everyone that Frankenstein loves or someone that is close to him gets killed, and the key fact about the book is that Victor quotes the monster first- person narrative ; in addition the lesser characters Elizabeth Lavenza and Alphonse Frankenstein narrate parts of the story through their letters to Victor. Also, the murder of Elizabeth on the night of her wedding to Victor which takes place in chapter twenty-three. The point of view shifts with the narration, from Robert Walton to Victor to …show more content…

Victor abandons the monster because he didn't turn out how he wanted him to be. That's one of the main reasons why the monster acted the way he did.It's also the fact that he was basically thrown away before he could even say his first word. The monster was only doing what all children do when they are brought to life, seek their mother or in this case their creator. When Victor ran out on the monster the monster had no clue what was going on. It expected Victor to come back, so when he didn’t you can imagine how much hurt the monster must of felt. His own creator didn’t want him because he didn’t look

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