Examples Of Persuasion In Julius Caesar

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The Theme of The Play Julius Caesar
By: Ky’lexius Gwynn

The theme of Julius Caesar is persuasion. The definition of persuasion is the process of changing a person’s attitude or behavior toward some event, object, other person’s, or idea, by using spoken words, written words, and body language. Persuasion is one of the most powerful techniques a person can use to get what they want or need in life. Persuasion is structured by what the person is trying to effect. For example, if a little boy is trying to persuade his mom to buy him brand new Jordans shoes, he might tell her he has done all his chores and made A-honor roll. Moms enjoy having a clean home and being able to brag about their kids' intelligence. So, the mom decides to buy the shoes. The kid knew what his mother likes, he used these things to persuade her into buying him shoes. Persuasive power can be used for the good or the bad.
The technique of persuasion begins in “Act 2, scene 1”. To begin, Cassius strongly persuaded Brutus into killing Caesar. Brutus had once …show more content…

I speak not to disprove what Brutus spoke, But here I am to speak what I do know. You all did love him once, not without cause:”.
In this piece, Antony shows that he was a firm supporter and lover of Caesar. It is obvious that his loyalty was not to Brutus and the conspirators, but he never said that to the citizens. Antony bashed Brutus in the most respectful way he could have; he stated the greater things Caesar has done. The use of Antonys wordplay led to comments from the crowd such as:
“They were traitors: honourable men!” and “Room for Antony, most noble Antony.” The mood change in the crowd was persuaded by Mark Antony.

The power of persuasion in Julius Caesar caused death, betrayal, success, failure, and so many more outcomings. Wordplay and manipulation were two very prominent skills used throughout this tragedy. Even in present times, persuasion is extremely

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