Examples Of Oppression In Purple Hibiscus

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Devin Hanaway
April 1, 2014
Prof. Donato Fhunsu
AAAD 201

A Look into Freedom of the Judged and Oppressed
Throughout history we patriarchal societies dominating culture, with exceptions few and far between. From the Ottoman Empire to ancient Rome, from the Incans to the Mayans, and all through history we see the men have dominated cultures and for the most part, white men. Women’s rights groups worked in the 60’s to fight for equality of genders, but a more recent notion suggests that it is not individual rights that are the problem. The problem is about freedom, or the lack there of. Throughout history people have be oppressed and persecuted for various traits or qualities. In two novels Purple Hibiscus, by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, and I, Tituba, by Maryse Condé, the two main women serve as great examples of the people deal with oppression and persecution of not, only sex, not only race, and not only religion, but of the many traits ostracized throughout history
While the two women, Sister Beatrice in purple hibiscus, and Tituba in I,Tituba live two completely different lives, in two completely different places in time and space. The two share a bond that can found even in the history of Christianity, with Eve and the story of the forbidden fruit. As Adam decided that eve dangerous and evil and had caused him to sin, a quality that has sustained through history. Women are seen as the root of evil and are oppressed for being nothing more then themselves. These two women go further than just this though, they are both black women, and happen to be in times and places where black is too seen as evil and where spiritual practice seems to be scrutinized no matter where one stands.
Sister Beatrice is a woman who finds herself amid...

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...ing, “I want this man to love me” (Conde, pg. 14). Mama Yaya simply replied, “Men do not love. They possess. They subjugate” (Conde, pg. 14).
Mama Yaya simply was trying to protect Tituba from being oppressed and loosing her freedom, but many times people must figure out the hardest lesson through their own actions than from the wisdom of others. . Mama Yaya saw that Tituba was ultimately giving insight into her life path, a path that would involve Tituba making many sacrifices in order to be involved with John Indian, as well as men in general. Similar to the challenges Sister Beatrice faces as a woman in Purple Hibiscus, Tituba exhibited submissive behavior simply for the comfort of a male companion. For Tituba, deciding to invest time, energy, and emotional connection to a man who brings no promise of a lengthy, committed relationship is a challenge she faces.

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