Examples Of Observation In Social Work

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This week was very interesting. I started out doing childcare again at the shelters, however, at the AARC office I got the chance to sit-in on a advocate and a survivor working on trying to get her a protection order on her boyfriend. After the woman finished writing the statement we then took it to the courthouse and I was able to observe that. In class we talked about taking notes and comparing them to the social workers, or in this case the advocates. This I did not do. Sitting in on this protection order was my first real observation of an advocate with a survivor, thus I decide to just observe and really pay attention. However, I took mental notes. The client would tell the advocate what happen and it was interesting to see what I took from the story and then compare it to how the advocate …show more content…

Her protection order was dismissed in the past and she was going to try again for a second time, and when the clerk came back with it approved, she broke down. You can read about it and hear about it, but seeing it in real life is different. The advocate, though not a social worker, was mirroring what we have been taught in Generalist Practice of how to act when talking with a client. The advocate did an amazing job with her non-verbal communication, which included was facing the woman, had her arms open to her, maintained eye contact and would nod along as the survivor told her testimony. The advocates verbal skills were also very well executed. She did an amazing job at paraphrasing, which is a skill that was also emphasized in Generalist Practice. The client told her testimony and it was long going back six years. Her whole story could probably take up several pages and the advocate because of experience was able to pick out and highlight certain parts. Which resulted in the woman's testimony being written done in just two and half

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