Examples Of Modernism In The Crucible

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Religion is fused with culture, politics, and economics on every level, whether you attend church commonly, or whether you are a casual believer, you simply cannot escape religion. Things that were once considered important and vital to families in prior generations are no longer important to modern families. The once classic idea of close family sitting around a dinner table saying a prayer before they eat and going to church on Sunday has become a thing of the past. In the new modern society, people have become more accepting of other ideas and become busier with work, school, and other things that many of the traditional societal norms have diminished. Religion is one of the major traditional cultural aspects that is slowly fading …show more content…

The book was written in 1953, however it was about the time period of the Salem witch trials which took place in the 1600’s. Religious was a big deal during the this time period due to the constant amount of accusations and conspiracy theories regarding witches and devils. Throughout the play, religions is almost often referred to everybody and consumes how people act and treat each other. For example, When Proctor is giving his testimony to Danforth, Paris interjects that Proctor only goes to church once a month, and Danforth responds: “‘Not come to church?’” (Act III). Danforth shows here that going to church was a thing that most people do. Danforth shows he is shocked that Proctor only goes to church one time a month. In the play Catcher in the Rye, After Holden’s prostitute leaves him, he left alone in his hotel room getting ready for bed. He then suddenly gets the urge to pray and announces: “ I felt like praying or something, when I was in bed, but I couldn’t do it. I can’t always pray when I feel like it. In the first place place, I’m sort of an atheist. I like jesus and all, but I don't care too much for most of the other stuff in the bible (98).” From this we can infer that Holden has had some religious influence throughout his life if he feels like he wanted to pray; however, it must not have been very frequent when he was growing up because he doesn’t state that religious was a big part of his life. As a result, both of these novels possess a similar trait when talking about how religion differs within people and it is something that reflects on people's lives and cultural

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