Examples Of Mob Mentality In To Kill A Mockingbird

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A Plea for Peace In the late 19th century, tens of millions of people were killed or enslaved because of their race. Imagine how it would feel to be pushed away from society because of your skin color. Harper Lee used real-life events as inspiration for her novel To Kill a Mockingbird. There are connections to Jim Crow, mob mentality, and issues of racism in that time period. In To Kill A Mockingbird, the Jim Crow laws are one of the first historical references. Jim Crow was a system that setup inequality between the races. Some people felt these laws were needed to make whites feel superior to blacks, and blacks inferior to whites; a way to separate whites and blacks (Pilgrim). One example of the laws is blacks were not allowed to show public …show more content…

Mob mentality is when people are influenced to do something they usually would not do without the help and support of others (Smith). This is shown in current examples like peer pressure, clothing style, Black Friday, restaurants, and name brands (Smith). Mob mentality is also part of our country’s past. One example is whites getting together to lynch blacks (“Strange Fruit: Anniversary of a Lynching). A photo taken at the lynching shows how whites were watching and were amused by the lynching of blacks (Beitler). In the novel, citizens of Maycomb experience mob mentality. One occasion is when some of the kids of Maycomb hid the furniture of two ladies on Halloween (Lee 337). If the kids were alone they more than likely would not have done it. They were influenced by the people around them to play a prank on two innocent ladies. The last instance of mob mentality is when the men came to Atticus’s front door. As the text states, “There’s some men outside in the yard, they want you to come out” (Lee 193). These men probably would not have gone to confront Atticus by themselves. They were encouraged by the fact that they were going as a group and were not alone. Finally, mob mentality is people coming together to fight for what they think is

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