Examples Of Loyalty In Antigone

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Loyalty, like most everything, is relative. This means most words can be defined differently depending on the other person and the situation. Antigone is a case and point scenario of this. Ismene believes that one’s loyalties should lie with those with higher authority and the law (or the state). Antigone believes one’s first loyalty should be to loved ones (including one’s self).
However, there may be downsides to this in some situations. There can be penalties, such as, those when Antigone says, “Friendless, unwept, unwed, I sick at heart, am lead. The way prepared for me; days hallowed orb on high, I may no longer see; For me no tears are spent, nor any friend lament, the death I die” (Sophocles 33). Antigone is saying that she’s being sentenced to her death, never to see the sun again, and no one will care. This could also develop or further a negative reputation, like when Ismene says …show more content…

self- convicted- abhorred-dishonoured-blind- his eyes put out by his own hand! How she who was at once his wife and mother with a knotted noose laid violent hands on her own life! And how our two unhappy brothers, in one day, each on his own head by the other’s hand” (Pg 3). This refers to the negative reputation of Antigone’s dysfunctional family. Going against the status quo can endanger others around,

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