Examples Of Greed In The Pardoner's Tale

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Chaucer has written these two interesting stories, The Nun's Priest Tale and The Pardoner's Tale. One is about aware animals and the other is about three malicious men. As we look over them we will find what it is that they have similar and what it is that they have different. In the "Nun's Priest Tale" it's told from Chanticleer's perspective. One night he has the dream of a fox following him and killing him. once he wakes up, his mate girl Pertelote tries to win over him it had been simply a dream and it's no which means. The ethical of this story is to not believe everything that's aforementioned to you. However, it doesn't fill the reader with a similar sense of doom and concern that "The Pardoner's Tale" will. The Pardoner tells a …show more content…

The "Pardoner's Tale", was overcome by their temporal needs and ambitions that they did not see the consequences of their sinful actions. The pardoner said that greed was the sin that corrupted the globe. The primary style of greed is drunkenness. Drunkenness is sinful as a result of man losing his ability to reason. The 3 men were guilty of greed once they over indulged in wine at the tap house that eventually lead to swearing and sexual activity. The pardoner, however, failed to observe what he preached. He could not proceed along with anything until he had one thing to drink. Pride or vainness, may be a sin given within the Nun's Priest's Tale. Chanticleer is incredibly vain once it involves his singing. Therefore, once the fox compliments him, Chanticleer decides to indicate off. Pertelote gets terribly angry at Chanticleer once he admits his concern of his …show more content…

In " The Pardoner's Tale," the pardoner uses his story to speak out against many social problems, he talks about drunkeness while being intoxicated. The Blasphemy and greed are more problems he talks about. Ironically, he attempts to sell fake religious relics and is really greedy. In the beginning of the story, the three man make a pact to be brothers, and to live and die for each other in the way of protecting each other from death. That pact doesn't stand strong for long though, after they find money and end up killing each

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