Examples Of Good And Evil In Beowulf

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In the story Beowulf, there is good versus evil. Just like in our every day society something is always portrayed as good or evil. The theme of good versus evil is carried through out the poem from Beowulf's first battle, comparing the mead hall to the swamp, to his very last battle with the dragon. In the story, the good would be Beowulf, Hrothgar and Wiglaf. The bad would be the nemesis' Grendel, Grendels mother and the dragon. Beowulf sets an example for the good because he does heroic deeds, although it's just for the fame and glory. He went all the way to Heorot, so save people from the man-eating monster Grendel. By Beowulf risking his life and making life or death sacrifices, the people saw him as a hero. The bible plays a big part in Beowulf, resulting at the fact that Beowulf and Hrothgar mention God. This is when Grendel is portrayed as Lucifer; the devil in The Bible. He was also referred to as a descendant of Cain, which in The Bible is the son of Adam and Eve. Cain committed murder upon is own brother, which is why Grendel is also referred as this biblical reference. Through lines 632- 638, Beowulf said "I had a fixed purpose …show more content…

The mead hall is seen as a joyous place where the warriors spend their time reminiscing about sweet memories of accomplishments they've done and all of their victories. This is home where they feel safe, and love on one another as a family. The swamp is seen as this dark, unlittle life area where only dreadful events occur. Its to be filled with socery, demons, ogres and the unseen. The mead hall is a representation of Heaven and the swamp symbolizes Hell. Heaven takes place in a warm and pleasant climate, with happiness and peace. Hell is where it's hot and dark and people are put through punishments and pain. Through these contrasting's, you get a detailed incite between Good versus Evil in the

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