Examples Of Gender Inequality In To Kill A Mockingbird

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In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee there are some scenes that show how big of a deal racial inequality and gender inequality was. In the film To Kill a Mockingbird, directed by Robert Mulligan the producers take important scenes that were in the book and didn't show the scenes in the film, some of these scenes that the producers took out include the scene where calpurnia takes Jem and Scout to church, the scene with Scout’s cousin Francis calling Scout's father Atticus, “a nigger lover”, and the scene with Scout's uncle Jack explaining to Scout why he tackled her in cousin Francis’s yard.
There is tons of evidence to help me support my claim. There is a whole lot of scenes that were taken out when the To kill a mockingbird movie was made based on the film. One of these scenes that was taken out was the scene where Calpurnia takes Scout and Jem to the her own church, her church is for black people only. This scene is very important because it shows the racial inequality. It shows racial inequality because the white people and the black people each have their own church and can't go to each others church. When Lula sees the two white children Jem and Scout at a black …show more content…

This problem is gender inequality. There is gender inequality to this day an example of gender inequality in tkam scout says “I was not so sure, but Jem told me I was being a girl, that girls always imagined things, that's why other people hated them so, and if I started behaving like one I could just go off and find some to play with.” This proves that males and females were not treated the same even back then. Jem means that boys hate girls because all girls do is image things. Today we still have racial inequality because males get paid higher than females for doing the same job for the same company. People used to think that males were smarter than females and that girls couldn't do anything but sit at home and clean and

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