Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird

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Racial discrimination, although not the main focus of To Kill a Mockingbird, plays a large role throughout the novel. Many characters in To Kill a Mockingbird are affected by racial discrimination, whether they are the cause or not. Throughout the novel, three characters stand out as being affected by racial discrimination the most. These characters are Jean Louise “Scout” Finch, Atticus Finch, and Tom Robinson. Jean Louise Finch, known to Maycomb as Scout, is affected by racial discrimination in many ways throughout To Kill a Mockingbird. Although most discrimination appears as white people against African American people, there is one case where the discrimination appears as African American people against white people. On a Sunday when Jem and Scout’s father, Atticus, is not home, Calpurnia, their cook, takes the two children to her church. Once there they were confronted by a woman named Lula. She is racist against white people, and shows it by saying, “‘I wants to know why you bringin’ white chillun to n***er church’” (Lee 158). By writing this event into the story, Harper Lee shows how racial discrimination can affect anyone of any race. “The society that imprisons Tom Robinson is the same one that imprisons Scout…” (Durst Johnson 301). Although their reasons for being confined are different, the same society caused it. During the Tom Robinson case, Scout had to face people discriminating against her father for defending an African American man. Once the trial began, and everyone in Maycomb knew about it, Scout found out she would be taunted by her schoolmates for a small while. Her own family was discriminating against them, especially Francis. At the Finches’ Christmas party, Francis taunts Scout with insults toward Atticu... ... middle of paper ... ...because of his race; one only needs a single bullet to kill. Tom Robinson most likely felt forced to take the easy way out in fear of putting his family in more danger and poverty. The fatal outcome of Tom’s trial helps to prove how disastrous racial discrimination's effect can be on people, no matter what race they are. In conclusion, racial discrimination is evident within To Kill a Mockingbird through many of the characters. Examples of this form of discrimination are Scout Finch getting stabbed by Bob Ewell, Atticus almost being attacked by a lynch mob, and Tom Robinson being shot seventeen times. One trial brought an innocent man to his premature death, a child to being assaulted by a grown man, and a father merely doing the right thing. Jean Louise “Scout” Finch, Atticus Finch, and Tom Robinson were affected by racial discrimination throughout the entire novel.

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