Examples Of Figurative Language In The Tortilla Curtain

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T.C Boyle’s character Kyra was at rough spot in her life in The Tortilla Curtain, the author uses a simile to better interpret the situation she is in and by doing so he creates a picture rather than just having black and white text. To further understand this idea the figurative language has to be understood as to what and how it relates to the text. For this specific example he uses a simile, which is comparing two unlike things using like or as. “It was a shock, she looked awful, haggard, Frowsy, desperate, like some stressed-out Tupperware hostess or something” (74). Boyle is making it clear that Kyra is under a lot of stress up to the point that it is affecting her personal appearance. He describes her nose as being bright red which seems to “ Pull her whole face in on itself like some freaky vortex, The Amazing Lady with the Shrinking Face”(74). …show more content…

“Whatever the doctor had done to it-remove a sliver of bone, snip a bit here and there-it was always a shade paler than her cheeks, chin and brow, and it took on color more quickly”(74). Now with what started as a small simile has brought a sliver of information that changes how the reader might view Kyra. Having any sort of cosmetic work done at such an early age the reader can infer that she was pretty well off as a child and had little to no worries growing up. People like Kyra who come from money and are sheltered often become prejudice to those that are not as fortunate and sometimes can often become xenophobic. Knowing this explains why throughout the book Kyra wants to get rid of the Mexicans because “There’s just too many of them, they’ve overwhelmed us, the schools, welfare, the prisons and now the streets” (190). Kyra swears up and down that she is not prejudice towards Mexicans but yet she does everything in her power to rid them of her

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