Examples Of Evil In The Crucible

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“Evil is Everywhere”

Evil is a strong word, reserved for only the most appalling human beings to ever walk this earth. Evil can take many forms. It could be a dictator who tortures his subjects and refuses a certain race or gender from having basic human rights. It could be a person who orders the destruction of an entire group of people. Or the evil could be in the form a young girl who, in her personal quest for love from a man who no longer has any interest in her, and her fear of retribution for her so called crimes of witchcraft, is content to call out the names of innocent people with whom she has lived with all of her life. She is content to watch them die just so that she can get what she wants.

The Crucible tells the tale of a group of young girls who are about to be exposed for dancing in the woods and asking a black slave, Tituba, to show them the devil. Instead of taking responsibility, they do what some young children do when they are in trouble. They lie. These girls started the most famous witch hunt in the history of this planet by simply saying that certain people were witches. Some people would call this evil, especially when the girls do not take back their lies even after their townsfolk begin to get hung. Others would simply claim that they did what most children their age do. Lie instead of take responsibility. This …show more content…

The Japanese were just put away where they would not be a problem during the war. This demonstrated a lack of care by the U.S. Government. They took the easy way out instead of taking responsibility and taking the necessary precautions. As we look back at this, we are appalled that a President that was so beloved could do such a thing. It all comes down to a desire to protect one's own interests even at the expense of

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