Examples Of Entitlement In King Lear

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Having A Sense of Entitlement is Self-centered To a degree, entitlement is an essential human trait, because it provides individuals with the persistence to get what they want. However, for the most part, entitlement widely carries negative meanings. For example, an individual’s sense of entitlement can lead to unrealistic demands and expectations, and can drive separation between them and others. Moreover, those who are entitled often tend to take advantage of others, especially those who are powerless. In King Lear, Shakespeare develops the idea that those with a sense of entitlement are selfish, which causes them to make demands of those who are powerless and take advantage of others to get what they want. The character, King Lear, shows that he has a sense of entitlement while giving out a division of his authorities and properties. Indeed, King Lear’s entitlement leads him to take advantage of those who are powerless for his own personal gain. In Scene 1, Act 1, King Lear hears out his daughters as they express their love to him, and try to prove that they are deserving of his …show more content…

Hence, they believe that they deserve the privilege of authority and property. Indeed, Goneril is an example of an entitled person. For example, she is rude to those who try to tell her what to do. In Act 1 Scene 4, Goneril ignores Cordelia when she asks Goneril to take care of King Lear after she leaves. Moreover, when King Lear comes to visit Goneril, she becomes annoyed by his presence because he is acting like he owns “her authorities”. As she grows increasingly annoyed, Goneril decides to no longer be polite with her father, so he can also give up doing so. Indeed, Goneril does not care about how King Lear would feel about her, and she leaves him cold outside of her home. She does this because she thinks that King Lear should not control her anymore after she takes the power from

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