Examples Of Emotions In Prometheus

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What Emotions Lead Us to Error

Those who execute plans in the midst of frustration never achieve their goals. In “Prometheus”, Prometheus acted against Zeus’ order to leave the idea of humans with fire alone. He believed what he was doing was right, “Prometheus was not satisfied. All that night he lay awake making plans”(57). The frustration Prometheus faced when acting on impulse and against orders made it impossible for him to see how this might not be the best idea. Almost instantly, when he shows fire to them, they politely reject the gift from the Titan. He begins to cook deer over the fire in a last attempt to get mankind to accept his gift. While things were fine with the humans, he still disobeyed and temporarily destroyed Zeus’ grand …show more content…

In “Demeter”, Demeter was worried about and in fear of her daughter’s death. She was angry with Zeus for kidnapping their daughter, “ ‘My dear,’ said Zeus, ‘when your rage cools, you will realize that this is a fine match, the very best thing for the child’ ”(25). Demeter and Zeus had a child and named her Persephone. Persephone was kidnapped by her father for an arranged marriage between her and Lord of the underworld, Hades. In the midst of her abduction, Demeter was found by a boy; a boy who found humor in her grief. She immediately turns him into a lizard meeting his untimely demise via hawk. He traveled to the underworld as all do in death. There he met Persephone. In fear and protest of her daughter’s abduction and in worst case scenario death, Demeter, goddess of harvest rebelled, “ ‘While she is gone, no crops will grow. No tree will bear, no grass wil spring. While is gone and while I mourn, the earth will grow as dry and shriveled as my heart and put forth no green thing’ “”(26). While in the underworld, the boy convinced her Persephone to eat six pomegranate seeds. It was decided that she was to be with Hades for 6 months of every year. For the time her mother grieves we have winter, and when they are together again we have spring. In Demeter’s experience, a more rational thought process would have given her a better chance of getting her daughter back. Had she thought put her actions, she’d have no reason to grieve in the first

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