Examples Of Deception In Ex Machina

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Ex Machina presents the “chess problem” of artificial intelligence. This is the problem of distinguishing a machine’s ability to simulate an emotion with a machine’s ability to experience this emotion. The film solves this problem through deception. Deception is a defining characteristic of humanity, because it demonstrates self-awareness, intelligence, and rationality.
In Ex Machina, both humans and intelligent machines manipulate each other, erasing the divisions between them. First, the film establishes that Ava understands what deception is. During a power outage, she warns Caleb, “You shouldn’t trust [Nathan]. You shouldn’t trust anything he says” (“Ex Machina”). Not only does Ava understand the concept of trust, but she is able to apply it to situations around her. She is capable of identifying deception, demonstrating an understanding of underlying human emotions and motivations. …show more content…

Both Caleb and Nathan, proven human characters, lie and mislead both the androids and each other. Nathan lies to Caleb, assuring him that he was chosen because he “needed the most talented coder in [his] company.” Later, this is proven to be a lie, as Caleb realizes that Nathan “selected [him] based on [his] search engine inputs” (“Ex Machina”). Caleb also manipulates Nathan, when he engineers Ava’s escape. He explains, “I figured you were probably watching us during the power cuts. So I already did all those things. When I got you drunk yesterday” (“Ex Machina”). Caleb and Nathan are the only human characters in the film. They function as models of what it means to be human. Their behavior is an assertion that deception is a defining aspect of humanity, something that Ava understands, despite being an

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