Examples Of Conformism In Huckleberry Finn

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In a society people either rebel or conform to what others have placed in front of them. In Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn he uses both Huck and Tom to show these different kinds of people in a society. Huckleberry Finn would be the rebel whereas Tom Sawyer is the conformist. In an essay written by George Saunders, he writes that “Huck believes in the reality of what he sees and feels… Tom believes in what he has read in books.” (2). Later in the essay Saunders also argues that Huck is able to understand and connect to the feelings of others but Tom does not see that. In Huckleberry Finn, Tom believes that those of color or lower class were lower in a societal standing than he was, but Huck saw them as people. Throughout the book,

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