Examples Of Communism Is Not Evil Essay

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Communism Is not Evil Communism is widely considered to be the evilest thing people have ever done; you might even believe that, but it just simply is not the case. When you look at communism at its core it only serves to better the people, but as always people abuse the system and this is where it gets its evil image. Communism serves only to unite the people so that we may better work for the greater good. In history, we focus on all the bad that has come from communism but never talk about how it has helped so many people. As an American, you have been trained to assume that communism is evil, though you probably learned this in a public school, which is an idea taken from communism. That is wrong, communism is not evil.
In the story, everyone prospered except for those who were not …show more content…

Last year in a study fifty-eight percent of Russians voted that they wanted to bring back the communist state, which incase you did not know is a majority. One example of good done by communism is early women's rights. In modern history who has been the fastest implementer of women's rights; democracy, no. Monarchy, no. Communism, yes. As early as world war one when the communist state was new to Russia women had the rights to do the same jobs as men. Communism is typically very efficient and what is more efficient than recycling; in history, communist states have gone as far as recycling thirty percent of the paper used in one year, on top of that they would sometimes pay citizens to recycle glass. The argument can be made that in history, communism has been used to do many atrocious things, but this is invalid on multiple points. For one, if some say uses a plane to kill 2,996 people and injure over 6,000 more does that make planes evil, of course not. Secondly, true communism does not have a strong centralized government, so the Nazis were using the name communist only as a false title to entice the

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