Examples Of Body Paragraphs

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Sample Body Paragraphs Mr. Bradbury intentionally uses a variety of different sentence lengths for specific purposes. Consider this example, found early in the story: “They surged about her, caught her up, and bore her, protesting, and then pleading, and then crying, back into a tunnel, a room, a closet, where they slammed and locked the door.” First, I noticed its length: It is a complicated sentence with lots of commas that almost makes it choppy. But the short phrases have the effect of coming at you like waves. In fact, the author writes that “they surged about her.” This reminded me of a tsunami tidal wave, that pops up spontaneously out of the anger of an earthquake and carries along everything in its path. In effect, the children are a powerful tidal wave, surging about Margo, catching her up, and bearing her along in their frenzy. Even the word frenzy makes me think of sharks in ocean waters, unable to control their emotions as they feed. The impact of the words continues with …show more content…

They heard her muffled cries.” Here, the author uses words like ‘stood,’ ‘tremble,’ ‘beating,’ ‘throwing’, and ‘muffled cries.’ Why, one asks? The effect of this craft move is to help readers create a clear mental picture of the aftermath of the student tidal wave. The students stand, tremble, beat, throw, and make muffled cries. They are not only the storm; they suffer from having been in it. The effect of these words is to evoke anger and strong human emotions in the aftermath of the storm they created. And the muffled cries are almost like the sound a person makes who is lost, afraid, or perhaps, drowning in water. Either way, it creates a clear mental picture and evokes a very strong, eerie

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