Examples Of Atticus 'Bravery In To Kill A Mockingbird'

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Atticus is showing alot of bravery in this novel because he is doing alot of heroic things.He is a caring person and a good person at the same time.At one point in the novel Atticus is trying to save two black males because he wanted them to live than die.Atticus wanted the two black males to plead guilty to stay alive in jail he is not selfish at all in the novel a very helpful person.He cares about other people lives those black men could of died without atticus because atticus they kept their lives atticus was very smart about the situation.People thought atticus was a bad person because he was taking up for those black males because he is white atticus didn’t care what other people said about him and what they did to him atticus still remained the same.Atticus would want them do him the same if he was in that position people was calling him a nigger lover atticus cares about everyone life.Atticus didn’t pay no attention to the negativety in the novel.

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