Example Of Symbols Essay

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Symbol(TextBook): Person, place, thing, or event that stands for both itself and beyond itself.(Dictionary): something that stands for or suggest something else by the balance of relationship,association, convention, or accidental resemblance: a visible sign for something invisible
Symbols that are used in modern day life that I chose were is the most common sports brand symbol Nike, that most people use for clothing or for sports equipment(cleats,gloves, sports balls,etc..)The next symbol is the no drinking or eating symbol, most times when you see this symbol is in the library or when you are riding a public bus. The last symbol is the no running symbol commonly used around pools, when they are filled with water and being used. Some schools use it in their hallways to …show more content…

Like say for instance you are out and about shopping, you are looking for a certain shop, do you want to look for a store name or will recognise the store that has a familiar symbol? Most store text sign look that same, they use the same color and style of writing such as cursive, bubble letters, something along the lines of that.
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Now the symbol I am doing this essay about is the scarab it is a beetle most commonly used in Egypt on amulets and other jewelry
The scarab really looks like a colorful beetle(depending on the type I am looking at), with striped indentations armor on it’s back, spiked claws and short antennae. When it is laid out it looks like it is about to take off to run. The scarab is most commonly referred to as a beetle originating in the Mediterranean, with a metal sheen with a variety of colors covering their shell, or just a plain black and/or brown shell. There really are no other names used to describe the scarab the only name I could find was it’s original name the scarab.

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