Evolution Of Policing

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History is the study of past events. Past events are often taken as example of what to do or what not to do in the future. This research will consist of the history and evolution of police- training in the United States. It will begin with slavery time policing and continue on to the modern-day period. This research will speak on the different models of policing and how each model evolved from the previous model. Policing is a captivating topic in America today. The police force is an organized civil force that was made for maintaining order, preventing, and detecting crime as well as enforcing laws. Policing is known to the world as protecting and serving the community. Beginning around the time of slavery in the United States, the issue of …show more content…

Understanding the officer’s job and what lengths they will go to protect the community will allow individuals to not only view cases differently, but also stop the disrespect given from the community to the officers. Many aspects of policing in slavery are the foundation of policing today. Having the knowledge of laws and policing can prevent people from breaking laws and even causing unnecessary situations or negative interactions with the police. The knowledge can be spread by adding policing history to education when teaching about American history. Teaching children at young ages could decrease the stats of delinquent in the United States. Children knowing how to interact with officers can be more of a discipline action or teaching about having respect for …show more content…

Knowing and understanding where the organization began and how it evolved, has given people a better understanding of why an officer carries out their duties the way they do. Noticing the lack of knowledge on policing in the United States, the citizens are becoming disrespectful to personnel of authority because of it. There have been many cases where officers were just doing their job while the citizens of the United States began to call them murderers. Month-by-month it seems to be getting worse and it is because of the lack of police knowledge acquired by the citizens, also that a few officers have spoil the minds of the citizens. The question of why is this a problem and why this problem is getting worse often arise. I believe there is another reason for tactics being the way they are such as history beginning to repeat itself. That is why I want to research this topic. I am eventually going to the field adjuster so knowing the history will also help me in my

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