Evidence Based Quality Improvement For Older Adults Essay

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Evidence-Based Quality Improvement for Older Adults Gerontological nursing is having the knowledge and skills to take care of the older adult of at least sixty-five (Tabloski, 2014). The older adult population is continuing to grow more and more every year, especially since the baby booming era is going to retire soon. It is important that nurses gain the knowledge to be able to care for this population. It is also imperative to find more nurses and doctors wanting to specialize in the older adult. This paper will cover age-related challenges, a review of the five elements of QAPI, physical and emotional changes that make older adults a challenge, barriers with solutions, and the future impact on nursing care for the older adults.
Age-Related Challenges to Providing Quality Care As with any …show more content…

We have to thoroughly assess their skin. If the patient has any sign of skin breakdown or a pressure injury then we must take a picture of it and put it in their chart. We also have an obligation to consult our wound nurse so that the patients are getting proper treatment. We also try to turn our patients, use waffle boots, prevalon boots, and a protective mepilex on the sacrum. Although, I have had patients that refuse to let me turn them and although I educate them, they still refuse.
Physical and Emotional Changes that Make Quality Improvement a Unique Healthcare Challenge for Older Adults
The physical and emotional changes make it a challenger for older adults’ quality improvement. They are at a time in their lives where they cannot do what they used and they are limited. Their limitations can emotionally be a trying time along with losing their loved ones and friends. They also seem to lack motivation emotionally to make changes to stay healthier. Furthermore, their physical changes are a challenge in themselves to improve quality to ensure no one falls, or has skin breakdown or even continue to lose muscle and

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