Evangelism: Witnessing Report

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During this semester in Evangelism, I have had the opportunity to learn about different techniques and ways to approach someone who is an unbeliever. For my witnessing report I decided to share the gospel with my close friend Mikaela. It was an honor to have the chance to have a conversation with Mikaela and to see her reaction to the Gospel, and have the opportunity to answer her questions. When I came to Liberty University I was under the impression that just about every student would be a Christian, I was surprised to find out how many unbelievers attended Liberty such as my roommate. Although I was quite upset to discover that one of my roommates had not been saved, I soon began to see that I was called to evangelize her and share Gods love with her. During my first semester at Liberty I rarely saw my roommate and it wasn’t until this semester when I moved off campus that I have began to develop a close friendship with her. Throughout this semester I have spent a lot of time with my former roommate Mikaela trying to be a positive spiritual influence in her life. When I found out about this witnessing report, I knew that the Lord had laid it on my heart to sit down …show more content…

At the beginning of the conversation I asked her about how she was enjoying her Bible classes then proceeded to ask her if she believed the things that she was learning in class. Much to my surprise she believed in many of the things taught in Convocation and Bible but had still not accepted Christ as her personal Lord and Savior. As the conversation proceeded, I shared my testimony as well as many passages from the book of Romans with her in hopes to share my experiences with her. After I shared my testimony I was surprised to see that Mikaela was actually wanting to develop a relationship with the Lord and live a life that was pleasing to

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