Evaluation of the Opening of The Ring

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Evaluation of the Opening of The Ring The opening sequence of The Ring is very typical of a horror film, even though we later discover the film is more of a supernatural genre. The camera angles, music, sound, tension building techniques and visual effects such as lighting help set the scene. These factors sub-consciously show us it is a horror film and help us understand the main storyline, without giving too much away. It keeps us constantly guessing. By examining these techniques I will attempt to comment on how effective the opening sequence is in establishing the audience's expectations of the horror genre. In a typical horror film, the opening scene tends to be very important in setting up the rest of the film. This is true of The Ring, as the opening sequence tells us the urban legend of The Ring, basically setting up the rest of the film for us, as well as showing us it is a horror. The urban legend of the video is quite chilling in the way it is told, due to Becca's facial expressions and her voice, which is quite eerie. This sets the mood and in a way explains to us the way in which the urban legend is meant to be perceived, as it based around horrific, painful deaths, and the fact that an everyday thing such as a video could kill you. When the film begins, the camera goes back and forward between Katie and Becca's faces as the urban legend is being told. This is to show both of their emotions and reactions, making us as the audience understand how they feel, and putting us in the same state of fear that they are in. Close ups are also used here to show this and have the same effect on us. As the phone rings, the gi... ... middle of paper ... ... in the background as the tale is being told symbolises that time is running out for Katie, and that something will happen to her soon. The water on the floor as Katie reaches the top the stairs at the very end of the scene, can be related to the fact that this whole urban legend is about a girl who drowned in a well. I feel that over all, the opening scene is very traditional compared to the beginnings of other horror films such as this one. I feel it is in keeping with the rest of the film and that it establishes the audience's expectations of the horror genre, as it gives them exactly what is intended from a horror. There are a lot of shocks and scares to show the genre of the film and how it is meant to be perceived. All together I feel it is an appropriate opening scene for a horror film, and very well done.

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