Evaluate The Constitutional Convention What Were The Obstacles They Faced And How Did They Address Them?

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Evaluate the Constitutional Convention. What were the obstacles they faced and how did they address them? Evaluate the debate over ratification between the Federalists and Anti-Federalists.

Held in Philadelphia in 1789 between the months of May and September, the historical Constitutional Convention took place. The point of this event was to address the issues the young government was facing governing the new country. A new federal system was drawn up and known as the Virginia Plan. The Virginia Plan created two houses of federal government. One house would have representatives that were directly elected by the citizens and the second house would consist of representatives who were “chosen by the first house from nominations made by the state assemblies” (148). …show more content…

A compromise was made and a decision of having equal representation in the upper house of Congress and representation based on population in the lower house. For every 30,000 residents in a state resulted in one state representative. Southern delegates pushed that the number of resident include the slaves that occupied the land as well. The committee agreed that every 5 slaves would count as 3 residents. This in turn gave the south much more power than it would have had otherwise since the southern sates consisted of an extremely large population of slaves. Slavery was also a heated issue that came up during the convention.

The major result of the convention was the creation of the United States Constitution. The Constitution created enhanced specific powers to the federal government including conducting foreign affairs. It also established the choosing of a United States President and those who held office in positions below/under the

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