European Imperialism In Africa Essay

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Many of the issues faced in modern-day Africa can be traced back to the European Imperialistic Movement, more precisely, that of the British and Dutch colonizers. The earliest recording of European Imperialism can be traced to the eightteenth century with many of Europe’s top political powers all racing to colonize Africa. Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, and Italy were among the first countries to colonize Africa. However, before that point, the climate, the diseases that ran rampant, and the physical layout of Africa, delayed most European colonization until the eighteen hundreds. Although the descendents of Dutch settlers (referred to locally as Afrikaans or Boers) came to South Africa as early as the sixteen hundreds. The main setting of the Apartheid was concentrated within the …show more content…

Homelands suffered from a lack of labor and a lack of reliable educational resources, resulting in a human capital deficit. Despite the black population having the highest percentage of employable people within its workforce, they would have no choice, but to work under the white-owned cities, mines and factories as low-level wage earners. This was a purposeful decision of the people who crafted the Apartheid policies. The black and colored South African citizens were seen as nothing but a steady flow of cheap labor to the crafters of the policies and were kept purposefully dependent upon the Republic of South African government so that they could not advance or progress on their own merit. The lack of labor upon the Black Homelands meant that there was no opportunity for home grown businesses to start or for black farmers of the homelands to get much needed assistance to work their lands.This resulted in the continuation of the economic instability and rampant poverty throughout the

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