An Essay About Apartheid

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What is apartheid? It strives from the African word, “separateness.” Apartheid is a policy or system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race. It goes back very far in the history of South Africa.
South Africa was first colonized by the English and Dutch in the 17th century. It was a country abundant in diamonds and minerals. The findings of diamonds in these lands around 1900 resulted in the Boer War. After the African’s political independence from England, the two groups shared power until the 1940's, until the African National Party was able to gain a majority. This caused the National Party to create apartheid. It was a means to solidify their control over the economy and social system. The idea was to maintain British power while growing racial segregation.
After being established in 1948, racism was now legalized. Laws separated everything, from buildings to even marriage. Marriage between two separate races was outlawed. Even jobs were discriminatory. Africans were then assigned to homelands, categorized by racial tribes. These homelands were small living quarte...

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