Eulogy For Father

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The first drawing depicted in my family crest, the Earth, is placed in the center of the crest. This is significant as it is symbolic of my family’s prized values of worldliness and open mindedness. Ever since I was a child, my parents have always stressed the importance of these values by giving me and my younger brother the privilege of being able to travel all around to world and experience different cultures and different ways of life than our own. Both my mother and my father have always insisted that we be exposed to different cultures and people such that we can be open minded. respectful and have the ability to appreciate the many differences around us. They have instilled in me a love of the world that we live in and the different …show more content…

I have drawn these to symbolize my family’s love for music. Music is a form of art that I have found to be appreciated greatly by my entire family. Although we all have different interests in music, for example, my mother loves the classic 80’s hits and ABBA, my father is obsessed with Pink Floyd (he has voiced his desire for “Shine On You Crazy Diamond” to be played on his deathbed), Dire Straits, as well as similar music to my mother, and my brother and I appreciate our classic modern pop, hip hop, and rap music, we have all have the common realization that music is a fundamental aspect of our life. In our home, music is almost always playing on our speaker system and is frequent to come up in conversation. It is also a common mechanism used by all four of us to create bonds and relate with people. This is also a love that I must attribute to my parents. When I was in elementary school, my parents enrolled me in piano lessons. Although I hated it and would always get scolded to practice, I soon found that I really enjoyed it and it evolved into a passion of mine. It is for these reasons that music has worked its way up to one of the most important aspects of my …show more content…

Both of my parents were born in Bangalore, India, which is in the state of Karnataka. As I mentioned earlier, they immigrated to the United States in their twenties to study and ultimately become citizens, my father in the beginning years of my infantry, and my mother during my third grade year, whose ceremony I joyfully attended. When they immigrated, as do most immigrants, they left much behind, including their families, friends, and lifestyle as they knew it. However, when they came to this country, although they assimilated very well, their culture was something they refused to leave behind and throughout my childhood, I have been reminded to “never forget my roots.” My family belongs to a close, established Indian community and regularly interact with our culture, My Indian culture is extraordinarily important me as it is so deep rooted in my family, dating back to centuries ago, and well preserved. The Ashoka chakra pictured on my crest is also representative of my spirituality and prized values that I personally attribute to my culture and family. The chakra signifies truth primarily, a value that is key to my belief and integrity, which is possibly the most important value that my parents have stressed

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