Eudora Welty's The Little Store

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Eudora Welty's The Little Store

Eudora Welty, the author of 'The Little Store,' is also the narrator in her story. Upon looking back at her childhood, Eudora realized she was a creative little girl who liked to read and to write. She had the naivety of a child. The town where I was born is only 150 miles from where Eudora was raised in Jackson, Mississippi. Therefore, I really enjoyed this story because I really felt like I could relate to it. West Point, where I was born, resembles Jackson a great deal. We had a little store that was in town and we always felt safe to walk there alone. We also knew everyone on the block, just as Eudora did.

Eudora's mother never had to go to the grocery store. Everything that she needed was delivered to their doorstep. On a special occasion, her mother might run out of something and need one of the kids to run down to The Little Store for her. Eudora was always the first one to run into the kitchen. On her way to the store, she saw many familiar things. She remembered the bumps in the sidewalks from when sat on them and watched the Armistice Parade go by. While she walked, she passed the house where the teenage girls danced everyday. They practiced the dance to the same record, over and over. Eudora saw them bobbing past their dining-room windows while they danced with each other. Then she passed her principal?s house, and Eudora prayed that the principal would not come out. If she would happen to emerge while Eudora was passing by, she would stop Eudora and ask her to spell the only word that kept Eudora from passing her spelling exams with a perfect grade. ?Eudora Alice Welty, spell OBLIGE? (Welty 79). Eudora would still miss it every time. The last house Eudora sa...

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...a was raised, she was learning life lessons. She learned of violence from inside The Little Store. She never considered Mr. Sessions and the woman in the store to have any kind of relationship because Eudora never saw them sit down together at the table. Then tragedy struck, and this was how she learned of violence. She never knew exactly what had happened, but knew it was not good. The family just disappeared. Every time she came home from the store, she was carrying with her a little of what she had learned along the way. She learned a lot about, ?pride and disgrace, and rumors and early news of people coming to hurt one another, while others practiced for joy?storing up a portion for [her]self of the human mystery? (82).

Works Cited

Welty, Eudora. ?The Little Store.? Seeing & Writing. Ed. McQuade and McQuade. Boston: Bedford/St.Martin?s, 2000.

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