Ethnic Identity And Well-Being Essay

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The most extensively used definition of ethnic identity was developed by Jean Phinney in which she maintains that ethnic identity is a dynamic, multidimensional construct that refers to one’s identity, or sense of self as a member of an ethnic group, a sense of belonging and attachment, positive attitudes or feelings about one’s group, and participation in social activities and cultural (Phinney, 1990). The underlying assumption of these studies is that individuals with positive, well-developed ethnic identities are able to achieve healthy personalities and high psychological well-being (Helm & Cook, 1999;Phinney & Kohatsu, 1997). Identifying strongly with one's ethnic group, that is, possessing a solid ethnic identity may shield from the harmful effect of discrimination on one’s psychological well-being. Carol Ryff believes well-being can be described through a number of components such as self-acceptance, personal growth, purpose in life, environmental mastery, autonomy and positive relations with others. A strong sense of identity and the development of self-esteem are both central to well-being. On the basis of previous research, it is indicated that a positive relationship exists …show more content…

Recent research has suggested that ethnic identity helps individuals to discover or identify their meaning or purpose in life, which in turn can lead to higher self-esteem (Kiang & Fuligni, 2010). This last finding lends additional credibility to the concept that ethnic identity can play a part in assisting minority group individuals with finding their place within the larger society within which they live and function. The significance of ethnic identity to well-being appears to be moderated by personal and social

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