Ethics Of Vaccination Essay

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Vaccines are routinely given to people from childhood onwards to provide active acquired immunity and protection against common diseases. Their ingredients are reported to be safe by pharmaceutical companies and the New Zealand ministry of health (2012) states that vaccines help prevent diseases in New Zealand (NZ) such as the measles. Despite this many parents have formed what is known as the anti-vaccination communities for a variety of reasons to refuse routine and mandated vaccinations for their children. Ethical factors arise whether it is right to differ or refuse vaccinations, is it unethical to pressure parents to vaccinate their children. The ethical factors such as ideological opposition, freedom of choice and uncertainty are factors …show more content…

When deciding whether or not to initiate a vaccine based intervention. Parents must consider the good that can be done and also avoid doing any harm. But any intervention carries its owns risks. The conflict of information and balance regarding risk and benefits of vaccines creates uncertainty in a parent’s mind, where not vaccinating is an easier option to bear than the thought of injecting a potentially harmful substance into their child. This also brings up the idea of perception of future regret, parents feel worse if they take an action and it harms their child, than if they don’t act and the child is harmed by failure to act. This potential regret can be so strong that even bringing up the choice of acting versus not acting seems to be counter productive. A study found that attempts to convince parents to vaccinate their children actually decreased the percentage that went on to choose vaccination (Isaacs, D., Kilham, H., Leask, J., & Tobin, B., 2008). If vaccination is presented as a personal choice instead of a necessity for good public health, then potentially harmful inaction can seem more moral than potentially harmful action and vaccination rates go

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