Ethical Issues In Sexual Relationships With Clients

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Final Ethical Issue Paper Sexual relationships with clients is a serious ethical issue that individuals cannot agree on because they have different opinions. Most businesses have policies which state that it is not ethical to have sexual relationships with clients. While other businesses do not mention this issue in their employee handbook. The reason for this is because people view things differently and if the majority of employees believe that sexual relationships with clients is not ethical, then they make it a policy and if they all do not believe it is an ethical issue then they do not. I personally think it is not ethical for human services professionals to have a sexual relationship with a past client regardless of the time period. Ethical relativism would support therapist to have a sexual relationship with their client. The reason for this is because ethical relativism states that what a person believes is right to them is right no matter what others think. If a therapist believes it is okay to have a sexual relationship with a client then they are going to have a sexual relationship with a client, because they believe is it okay. However, the therapist should take into consideration the opinion of their employer. Ethical egoism …show more content…

In order for physical contacts to be appropriate boundaries have to be set. Boundaries must be set in order to prevent anyone from feeling uncomfortable and to avert any issue from occurring. Some therapist or clients do not like to be touched and they have to make each other aware of that. The best time to set boundaries is in the first session after the therapist explains confidentiality and consent to the client. The client should set their boundaries and ask the client if they have any boundaries of their own. This is to prevent and dual relationships from occurring as well as to make the setting more

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