Essay On Y2k

627 Words2 Pages

Nathan Huse

New Years Eve of 1999 was an exciting time for a large group of people around the globe, moving into the new millennium. It also was a time of paranoia for an equal amount of people. The advent of personal computer use was blooming around this time, and so were a large number of misinformed people who were not understanding of their computers internal programming. The year 2000 problem, shortened to Y2K, was the problem of using two-digit dates in a large number of software, instead of four digits. The fear was, on January 1st 2000, a large number of software and services would stop working because of this programming error. The Y2K problem was a significant event in recent history, an event that was overhyped by the media and had little impact on everyday operations, due to the work of the programmers.
Before the year 2000, there was small speculation amongst programmers of a problem that would arise in the year 2000. Many of the computer programs in use were made between the 60’s and 80’s, and stored years with only two decimal digits, this being d...

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