Understanding Millennials: Lifestyle, Work Ethic, and Future Impact

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This report will investigate and recommend what millennials want and how they work, think and play. It will also discuss how millennials balance work and life and how they think. The report is significant because changes in our world are going on as we speak and will continue as millennials become our future leaders. The government should have a new plan in action for millennials and baby boomers. In addition, there should be more jobs and budget planned for accommodation millennials graduating from colleges and universities. Within the research found Millennials are the largest living generation by population size, but they trail Baby Boomers and Generation Xers when it comes to the number of households they head. Many Millennials still live under …show more content…

Further, enhance the understanding of the issues in millennials. 3. Explore the various networking and publication tools used by millennials. The first part of this research is to learn about millennials in detail. To understand about youth and older people. To attain information regarding the workshops and information sessions they provide to various people seeking help. Lastly to learn why the organization started and its impact on the outer world. Once sufficient information about millennials is gathered. The next step is to develop findings of issues involving youth safety. Researching various statistics and drawing conclusions regarding this matter. Furthermore, finding what millennial generation does to help improve these issues. In addition, exploring the various networking and communication tools used by millennials to reach out to the community. Developing research relating to each communication tool and enhancing the understanding of how each tool helps millennials. Finally, researching other communication tools that millennials don’t use to recommend more ideas. To help millennials and create more jobs. Also to learn more about networking tools to implement in personal business

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