Essay On Why Did Clay Win Dbq

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Quincy Adams, and Secretary of War John C. Calhoun emerged as Clay’s strongest competitors for the presidency. Later in 1822, General Andrew Jackson was elected by the Tennessee legislature to the senate. Although Clay did not take him seriously at first, Jackson began to threaten Clay’s presidential chances because the both had strong support in the western states. In 1823, Crawford had suffered a major stroke, and John C. Calhoun withdrew from the running when Jackson won support from the Pennsylvania legislature. This brought the 1824 election down to four major candidates. The four major candidates, Adams, Crawford, Jackson and Clay were all Democratic-Republicans. Clay assumed that with all four of them in the running, no candidate would win the majority of the electoral votes. This would then require the House of Representatives to decide the election. The top three electoral vote receives would go to a runoff in the House where each state receives one vote. Clay felt that if it came down to this, he would be able to win because of his power as Speaker of the House. Clay was correct in his assumption that no …show more content…

During this three hour meeting, Clay promised to support Adams. Adams was the most open to Clay’s American system, and Adams was the only candidate that Clay saw as fit for the presidency. He regarded Jackson and sickly Crawford as unfit for this position. With Clay’s help, John Quincy Adams was able to able to win the House vote on the first ballot. After election to presidency, Adams offered Clay the position of Secretary of State. Clay accepted this position, although he was worried that he would later be accused of giving his support solely so he would be given that position. Henry Clay was right to be worried. Although both Adams and Clay deny discussing giving Clay this position in advance, Jackson was outraged when he heard about Clay receiving the job of Secretary of State. He and his supporters accused the pair of corrupt

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