Essay On Virtual Care Technologies

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Virtual care technologies are becoming an increasingly necessary component of healthcare delivery. Today, more than ever, patients are seeking healthcare modalities that empower them to manage and receive treatment for acute and chronic conditions through convenient, innovative and cost-effective telehealth services. However, outdated limitations on telehealth services, particularly for Medicare and rural patients, preventing the full potential and integration of telehealth and virtual care technologies like Zipnosis. We believe the Evidence-Based Telehealth Expansion Act of 2017 (H.R. 3482) would take a critical first step in addressing this crucial issue and bridge the growing gap in care for Medicare and underserved populations. Virtual care technologies, when integrated into a health system, offer significant potential for improving health outcomes, decreasing healthcare costs and increasing access to quality care. …show more content…

Patients are not subjected to the “one and done” model of direct to consumer telemedicine companies, but instead are exposed to a medical home. We believe it is vital for the healthcare system to be the central source for health care, particularly quality and affordable care. Our health system partners find that the sticky experience facilitated by integrating our platform into the care continuum prompts patients to return to the health system for care of more serious health concerns. Even more so, the clinical capacity of urgent care centers and emergency rooms has been improved by more patients opting for virtual visits. Yet,though data shows our model is effective and saves costs, restrictions on store-and-forward technologies, originating sites and geographic locations prevent Medicare beneficiaries from access care through our

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