Essay On Unproductive Anger

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I am speaking today on the subject of belief, the defining and the refining of it. We present ourselves by our beliefs, as a shorthand way to bring across who we are. We apply labels like Christian, Conservative, Atheist, or Liberal to ourselves. I find these labels obstructive, By defining each other in these such black or white ways we divide each other and prevent constructive conversation, leading us into unproductive anger which festers inside us and stops the productive channeling of it. We are all guilty of this unproductive anger and we should our best to prevent it. The best way to prevent unproductive anger is to come to an inherent understanding of what it is you believe and how to best channel it into a result you want. You start by encountering every possible belief out there, no matter how outlandish it may seem to you and you think on it. You think on it for however long it may take for you to come to a full understanding of why that someone may believe such things. Then you deliberate with them on those …show more content…

I’m using the term to refer to the mishandling of the passion that comes from one’s beliefs, for our beliefs drive us. I hold that for this productive anger to be effective then must find an outlet for it that produces results, for if you do not channel this anger then it stays inside you and festers dreadfully, which can be shown to actually physically harm you. Now what qualifies as a productive outlet for your own righteous fury is really subjective to you, there are certainly things I find to be unproductive like protesting, but there are those who seem to find that a productive outlet. So while you reflect on your ideas, also think on what it is that you find relief in. This is something I can agree with Ayn Rand on, that is you should never deny yourself that which brings you joy, for if you do nothing for yourself then you are suffer for it and thus fall into

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